Monthly Archive: October 2015

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Most Controversial Celebrities of Bigg Boss

Bigg Boss The reality show based on the original Dutch Big Brother format made by John de Mol. Number of contestants  live in a purpose-built house and are isolated from the rest of the world. So many celebrities have hosted...

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Most Popular Fragrance – Women

The fragrance you carry defines your personality without requiring you to say anything. Everyone should own their signature fragrance always in their wardrobe because perfumes and personality are deeply associated and inseparable. There are...

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Lip Balms- Most Popular Brands

Lip Balms are necessary to keep your lips moisturized and nourished during dry or cold weather. There are different types of lip balms available in market like lip balms with natural ingredient, with SPF...

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Shower Gels – Most Popular Brands

Traditionally, people uses soap to wash themselves, but now Shower gels has taken their place and are becoming popular. Keeping our body clean and fresh is essential these days as ours is a polluted...

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Most Popular Shampoo

We all know that correct shampooing can make our hair look more smooth and silky. Choosing a right shampoo for your hair can make a huge difference in look and feel of your hair....

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Most Popular Night Cream

In today’s restless schedule of life, we don’t give much time to our skin. During day our skin fights against sun, dust, dirt and pollution. In metro cities pollution is the big challenge to...

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Most Popular words used while Texting!

There was a time when invention meant something useful related to science but for today’s generation the greatest and coolest invention ever is TEXTING! Since the invention of texting, the world has changed in...
