TMP Types of People You Meet at Indian Weddings


Ask any Indian and he’ll share with you some classic, sudh deshi anecdotes on Indian weddings because in India, a wedding is not just an extravaganza, it’s a frenzy! But what’s a show without people, right? From the groom’s cute cousin, to the overtly cynical aunty – you must have met them all. So here’s some of the most prototypical people you come across at Indian weddings, without whom (you gotta admit) the party would lack the sizzle. Read on!

1) The Fashion Freak

They’re the ones who form the undisputed majority in any Indian wedding. The fashion freak in a wedding place is someone who unapologetically hijacks the mirror from you, fanatically tries almost every look she could manage before the wedding gets over and finally turns up for the evening, more decked up than the bride. Then you’ll get these guys too, in their ‘oh! So expensive’ sherwanis and trimmed moustaches, arriving at the wedding in a ‘straight outta the movie’ style. *Swag level= Too damn high*

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Credits: Google Images


2) The Selfieholic

Okay, now we all heart wedding selfies (hands on god) and make sure we click a fair load of ‘em. But you could easily spot those obsessive selfie enthusiasts, who don’t miss a single chance to capture themselves throughout the ceremony till they flood their Snapchat and Instagram. They get so zoned out that they don’t give a damn that the uncle in the back row, with a weird gaze, might be photobombing them. *Take a break, may be.*

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Credits: Google Images


3) The Bhukkar

Who doesn’t love free food, especially the gorgeous spread in a wedding menu, huh? But these compulsive eaters, a.k.a bhukkars just have to overdo it. They hysterically gorge on every delicacy like the Apocalypse is just around the corner (Slow down, peeps!)

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4) The Overenthusiastic Aunty

No Indian wedding is ever complete without one overenthusiastic aunty and her insatiable curiosity. She is always too eager about everything happening in the wedding and she is the one who terrifies the life outta you with questions like, “beta are you working?” “Are you married? …No? My son is single too.” Guh! *Been there. Felt that*

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Credits: Google Images


5) The Eternal Grumbler

The Eternal Grumbler is basically the Gordon Ramsay of desi weddings- you just can’t please them. Their fault-finding abilities would even put a metal detector to shame. Seriously! From food service, sitting arrangements, to the choice of your lehenga- they judge and grumble over almost everything. *Shudders*

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Credits: Google Images


6) The persistent wedding photographer

No matter how much we dig attention, it doesn’t remotely include the pestering and overwhelming attention we get from the wedding photographer. He might be great behind the lens, but you only feel your white-hot rage rising when he asks you to keep holding your smile till your jaws hurt or flashes the light on your face right when you’re gulping some food down your throat. *Grrr. Timing*

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Credits: Google Images


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