The Most Popular UFO Sightings Around the World

UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other planets. Whenever we do get a chance to witness such sightings, we usually tend to believe in them. Nowadays, it’s very easy to record any unidentified object or reflection of light on the camera and claim to have witnessed a UFO sighting. So, here we go on to provide you a list of the most popular UFO sightings that raised some serious questions about their authenticity:

  1. 1947 Roswell UFO incident

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This incident remains to be the most famous UFO sighting. Some people, on their patrol to check their sheep after a heavy storm, saw debris scattered all over the place. They were unable to identify them but sure that the debris came from some metalwork. Soon the US government found out about this incident as they were already trying to follow up this unidentified craft on their radars. The US government covered it up by claiming that the metal debris was of a surveillance device from a classified operation.

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  1. Kenneth Arnold case -1947

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American businessman, Kenneth Arnold, claimed to have seen not one but several unidentified objects in sky. He was the one who termed them as ‘flying saucers‘ at that time. According to him, they were flying in a chain formation over Mount Rainier in Washington. To explain the shape of these saucers he drew out their rough sketches.

  1. Hill Abduction Case – New Hampshire 1961

hill abduction case

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Barney and Betty Hill claimed that they were abducted by extraterrestrials for about one day from September 19th to 20th.  They stated that they were kidnapped by a UFO for some time. Most of their tapes, notes and other items are kept at Betty’s alma mater University of New Hampshire. This incident was adapted into a movie in 1975, named ‘The UFO incident’.

  1. Level land case- 1957

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This one of the most impressive cases of UFO sightings because many people witnessed it for a short period of time. Everyone stated that they saw an egg shaped, blue flashy object hovering over the fields. For that short period of time, their vehicles stalled and then the engines started again when that object was gone.

  1. Shag Harbor -1967

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Credits: Google Images

October 4, 1967, at 11:20 PM, it was reported that something had crashed into the waters of Shag Harbor. At least eleven people saw a low-flying and lit object head towards the harbor, which eventually crashed in Nova Scotia. The object was never identified and there is a highway sign at the place where it crashed.


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